Chompers must be getting his fire extinguisher refilled, or something.
So I thought to myself, I thought: Self, there was not nearly enough Chompers in the last storyline. And here we are, imaginary readers! We have taken this journey together, and now Chompers is here.
Pretty sure that’s all you can reasonably ask from a journey.
Happy weekend.
I went back to one of your EXTREMELY OLD storylines and I found something weird. It was the Zombie Dinner Party one. Now, during that, Rick cut Adorable Zombies head off, and AZH was born. But during the storyline, we only see Chompers grab one of the ugly zombies heads.
He ate that one. Adorable Zombie Head’s friendship with Chompers blossomed completely off panel.
He ate it?
…I’m still not sure how Chompers’ digestive system works. Is there a bottomless pit at the bottom of his ‘stomach’?
I don’t even know, man. He’s eaten a lot of stuff, but his digestion must be really slow with a body like that. Maybe his intestines are in his head or something.