Sometimes, when a robot punches you in the face, the world is trying too hard.
Oryx is stuck entertaining Phineas, imaginary readers. No one is happy about this, though it gives Dick some satisfaction.
Oryx is stuck entertaining Phineas, imaginary readers. No one is happy about this, though it gives Dick some satisfaction.
Atlanteans are great at passive-aggression, imaginary readers. I mean, what else do you call it when someone sinks their civilization to the bottom of the ocean to get away from everyone else?
Trying to light a fire under myself to do a storyline, imaginary readers. I’ve got a novel and two short stories I’m working on, but now I want a comic storyline. Prevents idle thoughts, I suppose.
Dick already has Oryx’s gift for this year picked out, imaginary readers. He’s a good guy to have as a sworn enemy.
Bat wings seem inefficient as sculpting tools, imaginary readers. Maybe that explains the hesitation.
How does a Christmas tree become evil, imaginary readers? I am left with more questions than answers.
Yont always claims magic doesn’t contribute to climate change, and then he does something like this.